Lettercutting in stone has been a passion of mine
since my college days, when I first started carving.
The following examples are a mixture of both
commissioned and self-initiated pieces.

Ebb. Portland pebble.

Sandy Lane sign (slate)

Slate sign.

Forever & These Stones (slate & Portland stone)

Slate and Portland stone.

Herb Garden (slate)


Ubis (sandstone)

West Hoathly sandstone.

NJK (slate)

NJK. Slate paperweight.

Fide (limestone)

'Trust, but choose in whom'.Limestone.

Quest (slate)

Lettering in slate for book jacket.

I Gaze Up (wood)

OK...yes...this is wood, not stone! Haiku in sycamore.

No. 29 (slate)


Holy Water (Portland stone)

Lettering in Portland stone for record cover
for Island Records, shown below.

Holy Water, The Triffids (record cover)

Deficit (POrtland stone)

Portland stone. College piece.
From a series forming a quotation by Martin Luther King.

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